アート・ロバーズ > #43

Femme aux Bras Croisés
Scene opens with Hercules and Wu Tang planning to steal that artwork.
Wu Tang
Hey Hercules, what kind of artwork are we stealing today?
Today, we are going to steal a painting called 'Femme aux Bras Croisés' by Pablo Picasso.
Wu Tang
'Femme aux Bras Croisés'? What does that mean? Tell me more about it.
'Femme aux Bras Croisés' means 'Woman with Folded Arms' in English. It's an oil on canvas painting that Picasso created between 1901 and 1902 during his Blue Period.
This painting is about a woman who is considered to be an inmate of the Saint-Lazare hospital-prison in Paris.
Wu Tang
Why is it called the Blue Period?
Picasso's Blue Period represents an important shift in his approach. Instead of painting popular scenes of urban leisure, he started focusing on melancholy themes of poverty, loneliness, and death.
His paintings during this period were dominated by shades of blue and featured portraits of destitute, sick people, and prostitutes.
Wu Tang
So, this painting is about a woman in a prison cell?
Yes, exactly. The image conveys an atmosphere of misery and torment. The woman's crossed arms and blank stare illustrate her isolation and social disconnection.
It is believed that Picasso started the painting in France and then made changes to the composition when he moved to Spain.
Antonina Vallentin, in her book about Picasso, considers the subject of this painting to be an inmate who recently attempted suicide.
Picasso often visited the Saint-Lazare hospital-prison to find models for his paintings during that time.
Wu Tang
Wow, that's really interesting. But we need to be careful. Bob might catch us.
Bob sniffs out Hercules and Wu Tang's plan and approaches them while Hercules is still talking about his love and admiration for the painting.
Wu Tang
Oh no, Bob is here! I must run away!
Oh no, I didn't even notice. I need to run too!
Well well, what do we have here? Planning to steal a masterpiece again, Hercules?
I must say, this painting is quite impressive. The way Picasso portrays the woman's isolation and despair is haunting.
Wu Tang runs away impatiently while Hercules comes to his senses and follows.
These thieves may have questionable ethics, but they sure have an eye for aesthetics.
The scene fades out with Bob appreciating the artwork.
Femme aux Bras Croisés