

Citrus is a Japanese yuri manga series written and illustrated by Saburouta. It follows the story of Yuzu Aihara, a fashionable and fun-loving city girl who transfers to a conservative all-girls school after her mother remarries. There, she clashes with Mei Aihara, the cold and hard-working student council president who also happens to be her new stepsister. As the two girls learn more about each other, their animosity slowly lessens and Yuzu finds herself developing romantic feelings for Mei. The series was serialized in Comic Yuri Hime from November 2012 to August 2018 and received a 12-episode anime television series adaptation in 2018. It has been praised for its emotionally interesting characters but criticized for its non-consensual elements and portrayal of a toxic relationship. Citrus Plus, a sequel manga series, was launched in December 2018.