.hack//Legend of the Twilight is a science fiction manga series written by Tatsuya Hamazaki and illustrated by Rei Izumi. It revolves around twins Rena and Shugo, who receive chibi avatars in the design of the legendary .hackers known as Kite and BlackRose in the fictional MMORPG, The World. After Shugo is given the Twilight Bracelet by a mysterious girl, the two embark on a quest to find Aura and uncover the mysteries surrounding the bracelet. The manga was serialized in Comptiq from July 2002 to April 2004 and was adapted into a twelve-episode anime directed by Koichi Mashimo and Koji Sawai. The series has been licensed for an English-language release in North America by Tokyopop. It received positive reception from English-language readers, although some critics found the art to be generic and the storytelling confusing and cliché.